Wednesday, May 23, 2012


It is an unimaginable thought in our mind to leave our home, and go away from our lovely mother when we are born. We were kids, we grew, and we learnt to eventually move out of those four walls of our home to see more, we broke the shell, and landed up at places where we are. Today while sitting in the office and reading something anonymous this word reminded me of the days when I was in first year and I used to save my home phone number as Paradise. Sitting miles away from home, I sometimes feel that it is the only place where I need not be pretentious or smart. I can lie calm in my bed and feel the warmth of the old years.

What was it all? What was it that a Doll was all that I wanted, and now even articles of worth don’t charm me? I wonder sometimes, if there would have been a choice, for growing. What was it that winning a spoon race was good enough to fill me with a sense of achievement and now buying diamonds doesn’t bring that original smile? It is not a monologue but a thought which just surpassed my mind. Is it the burden of expectation, or is it the loss of vision that is expanding its darkness in the young generation today.
None of the lines above means that the world is going down, or people are not happy, it just means that now, we get across with a lot of mood swings, unlimited thinking and instability in mind. It becomes hard to sleep now, while when I was a kid, sleep was as oblivion as closing an eye. There were no words in my dictionary like enemy, jealousy and struggle, while there was a pool of natural happiness.
If given a chance, I would want to live in my childhood only. That is where, I am learning, learning to fly, learning to conquer, and learning to win. But then I think, that what all these years have given me, is it a no learning, no growing zone or is it an important part of my life. Do people expect more or do I think a lot?

After spending, experiencing and learning from innumerous instances in life, I still stay firm and say that, no one can demand on you, until and unless you don’t give them the rights to ruin you. Within these growing years , more and more people gathered around me , with their demands and expectations , but who stayed as natural as ever was my mother , who stays in that paradise , she makes it a home , a place where I still find peace .

There she stays , to whom I can go crying , lay in her hugging arms , can creep anyway , and still what I get in return is love . She makes me more confident, stronger and brighter, because at all times she reminds me that I am a part of her.
I truly love “Paradise” & “The Angel”.

@Ujjawal , While sitting in the office :) 

Monday, May 21, 2012


What is Fear? How do we define it? Is it something embedded in us overtime or is it something that always stayed within? When I look back to my childhood, it reminds me of memories and instances which made me what I am now. Unlike most of the children in society, I was the daring one, and I love my parents for the fact that they never stopped me from taking risks, which eventually made me stronger and less vulnerable to depression and sadness. This was something which took away many fears from my life, fear of falling from a tree, fear of dying in an accident or fear of making my mother unhappy. I developed the habit of demanding straight and putting forward my thought of life. Doing all this was making me more and clearer about what I want in my life. Throughout these years, I learnt many things, but the best thing that I could sustain was Self Love. Although it seems, very selfish and mean, and portrays an image of a girl with lots of attitude, but this is one thing which helped me to stand in the days of instability.

By Self love I certainly don’t mean that I don’t love people around me –I really do , but with values in me ever since my growing days , I learn that I cannot provide a long term happiness to anyone around me , until and unless I am not sure of it. I don’t believe in creating momentarily happiness and this is something I love about myself.

I can very well say that, by now, the reader has very clearly made an image of someone who is a narcissist or who loves to flaunt about her, and I don’t disagree to it.

People say “Life is like a flowing river, and you shall flow in the directions it takes you to”. Some others read the tarot cards and talk about what is destined in their life. But my beliefs are different; I strongly feel that a person can guide his or her own life by his own experiences. In this way, he may take a few wrong decisions, but he will certainly not believe to be driven by someone else.

Like every other emotion in humans, Fear is a part of life and acknowledging it would certainly show us some direction to overcome it, but my only food for thought is can we give up our lives for the sake of fear, for the sake of society, or for that matter for the sake of others? Should we stop caring about our wishes and sacrifice to make others happy? I hope the reader and my experiences on the ongoing journey of life would fetch some reasonable answers to my questions.

Thank you for reading the anonymous blog.

Ujjawal @food for thought

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Hope in the hopeless ...........

Do not lose hope in the hopeless
Do not lose faith in yourself
Do not let others control your life
Do not go, from where you cannot come back
Do not resist your mind to follow your heart
Do not make happiness a past
Do not be the victim of compromise
Do not kill yourself for sacrifice
when u look back , see some rays
there is a path, there are many ways
It isn't a story, it isn't an end
don't push yourself, don't be sad
You are not a character, certainly not a part
Believe in living, shun the darkness
Stand up for yourself and be the one ……………not the follower but the leader!!!


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Man I Knew!!! :)

The smile across his face and eyes

Defines the brightness of his soul
Envisage the success of his goal

Assuring him , it's not a dream
His cheeks hurt , in joy , he scream

Known in World as silent and kind
Has now attained some peace in mind

Praised and liked for his lovely nature
Beware O gals ! he is a crazy creature

Who is he? The Man i knew
Dark as night and Damp as dew


Monday, May 7, 2012

Escaped to be Trapped Again :-/

Before the dawn in the deadly hour
My soul just says I have no Power

The Pain spins from heart to head
and for a moment it says I am dead

And when the sun rises, it reminds me of you
the emptiness tinkles and my mind goes off

The Promise I made will stay forever
May remind to you sometimes or never

Happiness now seems unattainable and distant
the name in my palm is getting faint

Love is now an unknown word
Feels like it was never heard.................................

Ujjawal @destruction at its best  30/04/2012


I have moved into salvation
Telling you devil its not pretention

Wanting you is yet my wish
call me nuts or call selfish

its neither a fact nor contract
a mere attempt , a happiness pact

letting you free was though tough
Sky is bare and breeze is rough

There is no pain that cant heal
keeping the hope is another deal

Its sounds like a joke and has some pun.
Finally i moved into salvation. ;) ;)
